Thomas Voigt
Official Website of Thomas Voigt, filmmaker and author

VOICES (English and German Edition)

336 pg., 440 photos

„In diesem Buch lassen uns Künstlerinnen und Künstler in ihre Seele schauen – sie erzählen von Angst und Glück, Leidenschaft und Opfern, und immer geht es um die Musik und darum, was sie mit uns macht. Sie rettet uns, wenn wir ihr vertrauen und zulas­sen, dass ‚es‘ in uns singt.”

Authors  Christine Cerletti, ,
Preface  (DE), (EN)

Artists  , Anja , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Pinchas berg, , , o Viotti, , , , Brian , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Jonas , , , , , , , , , , , , Nikolaus ler, , , , , , , , , , , ,

Art rector  Michael Balgavy
Editors  Stiftung Colla Parte, Silvia Jaklitsch
Languages  ,
Publisher  Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien
Released  2022

What motivates young people to become singers, actors, musicians, conductors, or stage directors? What inspired them once and left them with a desire to strive for excellence? What were essential experiences and encounters?

In VOICES, seventy artists speak about formative music and theater events, about key moments in the family and at school, about their personal experiences with works and composers, teachers and mentors, conductors and directors. They point out why the stage is unrivaled as a powerhouse of emotions. And why, for them, the stage will remain the ideal habitat, despite stress, fear, doubts, and setbacks.

While most of the texts are based on conversations Christine Cerletti and conducted with the artists during the pandemic in 2021/22, some of them penned their own contribu­tions. At the same time, this unique compilation of key moments documents a history of music lived through personally, from 1945 to the present.

This musical history comes with 440 photographs illustrating the powerful effects of music and theater. The pictures convey how a performance, a recording, or an encounter with a great artist can change a life. And they communicate how deep the longing for such experiences can be, especially in times of crisis.

“Influential artists of the present tell us what key experiences brought them to music, opera, and the stage in the first place. And they share with us magic moments in which everything is just right, moments of glory that make them fly and which carry them beyond all struggles, self-doubts, and setbacks. You cannot produce these moments by force of will—they come unexpectedly, arising out of the blue to stay forever.”
Barbara Rett

„We have all been to performances that have changed our lives, music-making that seemed so right that nothing stood in the way of direct com­munication (the ian ‘from the heart to the heart‘).”